
Monday, May 21, 2012

Late Spring in Central Texas

Springtime is always a fascinating time here in Texas and this year has been no exception. It is definitely getting warmer outside and everyone is enjoying the sunshine. Both wildflowers and wildlife were out in full force on the trail near my house and I was lucky enough to get a few photos that I've posted below.

Known as the Firewheel, Indian Blanket or Blanket Flower, this pretty flower and can be found all throughout the central United States all the way into southern Canada. 

Another view of the Firewheel flower.

I found this little snail attached to a flower stem.

Close by the first small snail sat an even smaller snail!

A front (or is it back?) view of the smaller snail.

The Texas Lantana (or Calico Bush) flower blooms from April through October.

The lovely creek that runs next to the trail.

Some young fish that were gathered near the base of a small waterfall in the creek.

A male Grackle.  Several of them were having a good time bathing themselves in the creek.

Meanwhile, a female Grackle was working hard catching a caterpillar to take back to the nest for her chicks.

The Greenthread flower is known to attract butterflies and can bloom from April through July.

Texas Spiny Lizards, male and female.   Since these lizards normally breed during the Spring and Summer, they are most likely a mated pair.

A closer view of the female.  From the size of her belly, I'd say she's ready to lay her eggs!

A nice view of the male Texas Spiny Lizard.  Note the spiny scales and blue patch on the side of the belly.  This one has also lost part of his tail.

A bit further downstream were some more fish that were a lot larger than the babies in the pool near the waterfall.

And finally, near the water was the cutest little dragonfly that was nice enough to pose for a pic before zipping off to enjoy the Spring day.

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