Photos taken at the Green 'N Growing Garden Center in Pflugerville, Texas.
Green Globe Artichoke. A perennial plant originally from the Mediterranean with silver-green foliage and purple flowers.
Purple Lettuce that will surely add a splash of color to any salad.
Sweet Basil--the main ingredient in Pesto Sauce--is usually used fresh since the leaves tend to lose most of their flavor once they are dried.
This beautiful Cabbage is a great source of riboflavin and used in everything from soups to salads.
Tomatillo Grande Rio Verde. A tomato originally from Mexico that is one of the main ingredients in salsa verde, or green salsa.
Hardy Oleander. A showy bloomer in the summer, available in red, white, or pink that provides a nice tropical effect for any garden.
Climbing Golden Showers Rose. A lovely yellow flower that blooms all season long. Cold tolerant and disease resistant, this rose is popular all over the the United States.
The Climbing Pinata Rose. A vibrant flower with shades of orange, pink, yellow and red. These flowers can reach over 8 feet tall.
Sweet Drift Rose. A delicate pink flower that grows in clusters amongst compact foliage.
Knock Out Roses. Low maintenance roses that will spring through the frost to the sunny parts of a garden or flower bed.
Patriot White Geranium. A gorgeous flower ideal for borders, pots and beds.
Osteospermum. Eye catching flowers that can tolerate light frosts. Brilliantly colored petals bloom from early spring to early summer.
Tradewinds Yellow Bicolor Osteospermum. Large, colorful daisy-like flowers that thrive in cooler temperatures.
Rhythm & Blues Petunia. Fun Petunia hybrid that blooms from Spring to Fall.
Pretty Much Picasso Petunia. Pretty purple Petunia with green border.
Tidal Wave Silver Petunia. Heat resistant hybrid with wonderful silvery blooms.
Genlibsca Geranium. A relatively new hybrid with brilliant red blooms. Gnomes sold separately.

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